Yusron Libels

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Unexpected guest star Liberty 2019

November 15th, Surabaya 15 High School held an annual art event, libels party or commonly called Liberty, which was held at East Java Surabaya East Java by using the atherealm theme

basically liberty is an event that shows a very interesting appearance from a variety of arts, especially from music to dance because the event is open for public so of course you have to buy the tickets first. This event is a very suitable program to showcase the talents of high school 15 students, because besides this event show the famous bands, also feature extracurricular activities in high school 15 such as the saman dance, traditional javanese dance, anabel (angklung kolintang ansable libels) and karawitan There is something interesting in libery this year, where the committee wants to get out of the comfort zone where in the liberty event of the previous year, libels always invite pop bands that hits among young people like Fourtwenty, Isyana, the overtunes etc. but this year, besides inviting kahitna and reality club, very unexpectedly libels also invited one of the famous dangdut singers, he is didi kempot as one of his guest stars who appeared on the liberty show this year. To determine Didi Kempot who is a dangdut singer as a guest star, I think this is a very out of the box action, because Liberty is an event aiming especially for teenagers

But in fact when this event took place, it was unexpected that in fact the Hatim building expo was almost full with very enthusiastic spectators. Even when didi kempot started singing on the stage, the entire audience also sang and danced while enjoying dangdut music that was sung in kempot. in my opinion liberty this year is the liberty that is the most courageous to want to get out of the save zone and in fact even succeeded attracting teenagers

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Laporkan Penyalahgunaan



20 Nov

uwu amazing party!

20 Nov

So stunning!

20 Nov


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