Libels party, or we can called it Liberty, is an annual event organized by sman 15 surabaya. Liberty 2k19 carrying the theme "Aetherealm" which comes from the words aether (universe material), ethereal (perfect), and realm (world), which means a fantasy world of game nuances.
Just like before, Liberty 2k19 was held in the Jatim Expo Convention Hall. The event which was held on Friday, 15 November 2019 was enlivened by various performers, starting from the extracurriculars in 15 Senior High School Surabaya, such as the Saman Queen; Anabel; Karawitan; Belstrada, the winners of band and solo vocal competition, and guest stars who are top artists and bands, that are Reality Club, Kahitna, and Didi Kempot.
Not only that, Liberty is also enlivened by Friday market and food festival. At this Friday market and food festival, there are a lot of booths available, ranging from food and beverage stands, such as Yoshinoya; McDonald's; Teh Pucuk Harum; Pesenkopi, photobooth booth, BKKBN booth, and many more.
Magnificent stage, attractive lighting, interesting and captivating guest stars, and cheers of the audience complete the excitement of Liberty 2k19.
"In my opinion, Liberty 2k19 is truly extraordinary, starting from the concept, the selection of guest stars, the number of viewers more than last year", said Dinda as one of the Committee of Liberty 2k19.
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Laporkan Penyalahgunaan
Great !!
Liberty 2019 was unforgettable moment
Liberty 2019 was unforgettable
really good! I want to go liberty again:(
That was an amazing show!
So amazing, don't forget to follback and read my article, thank you
Yeah it was unforgettable moment
Amazing event!!
would miss liberty:)
Very unforgettable
Come on join to liberty 2k20
wow, shining, shimering, spiderman
That was greatt
Miss uus
that was unforgettable moment :>