The reason why corridor is a favourit place in Libels
My school is at SMAN 15 Surabaya. One of the favorite high schools in Surabaya. I have already entered the third year of this school. And one of my favorite places in this school is the corridor.
This corridor facility is located in the middle of the school. On the right and left side of the corridor there is a place to sit. Near the corridor there is also a basketball court and also a futsal court. This corridor is very strategic to hangout because it is close to anywhere. Besides the field, the corridor is also close to the cooperative, the teacher's office, the tuition room, and the principal's office.
According to my friend Nashifa, he really likes to hang out in the corridor because it is cool and can see activities at school. But in contrast to my friend Daffa who does not like hanging out in the corridor.
This corridor is a means to get to class, but it is made good with a shady atmosphere. So it is often used to hang out, sometimes even for organizational meetings. To maintain the condition of the corridor remains the same, residents of 15 Surabaya high school should not pollute the corridor, after eating and drinking thrown into the school premises, not leaving trash or goods so that the corridor is clean and shady keep awake.
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rangga liked this article
love you!
Yes mboel thanks!
Good work
thank you alli!
Good job!!
thank you filza,you too!!
yes so nice!
Thank you!!
Thank you adeee
Corridor is the best for student!
Thank you jalu
great one
thanks for mention me
Youre welcome
Wow so amazing
Thank you bungaaaa
So great! Good job!
Thank you evianaa! You too!
Nice, good job!
Nice, good job!
Wow amazing!!
yess corridor is amazing!
Nice place to hangout
Thank you!
nice! guys dont forget to follow, comment and check my article!!
Thank youu!!
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thank you!