a place where you feel hungry
in SMAN 15 surabaya, there are many canteens available. However, there is a canteen where the owner of the canteen is named Bu Sai.
She was very friendly to students, especially to me. there are many food and beverage menus that you can buy.
such as: black pepper chicken, chicken geprek, fried rice, Javanese noodles, penyetan, and many more. but we can also buy food with the side dishes we want. like me, because I'm doing a diet program I always ask for help ma'am to make me vegetables every day.
and I usually add boiled eggs, and various other healthy foods. I am very happy with your service, she is very understanding to me so she wants to provide whatever food you want.
my classmates also bought food at bu sai, because they said the food served by bu sai was very tasty. there is one menu that is very favorite of my friends, namely black pepper chicken.
Thank you bu Sai for the dishes you have given, we will miss your every meal
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Top global libels?? Oh my lord!!
Top global libels?? Oh my lord!!
Great job!!
Great job broo
Nice 1 bro
Omg amazed
Nice, good job bro!
2000 viewers??? Oh My Lord!!!
What a kind person bu sai
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