Funny Little Thing Called Ngoek
SMAN 15, commonly called libels, is a high school that is counted as a favorite school in Surabaya. Libels has many achievements both academic and non-academic especially SMAN 15 is one of 3 schools in Surabaya that applies the SKS system. Because of these things, Libels became one of the favorite and best schools in Surabaya
Apart from its label as a favorite school, libels have a lot of uniqueness in their society. From the students, teachers, to the employees.
As Libels people, of course we know the trio who diligently and kindly look after SMAN 15, namely Mr. Man, Mr. Min and Mr. Mon.
Aside from Mr. Man, Mr. Min and Mr. Mon there is a funny one from the Libels community, Mr. Sugianto. Pak Sugianto is someone who has special characteristics and has spread a strange virus in SMAN 15.
What virus is that? The virus is a ngoek virus. The ngoek virus is a virus that originated from Mr. Sugianto who always greets every student he knows with the word "ngoek"
Initially some of the students he addressed felt confused and strange but for some reason now it felt funny. And even more unique, every greeting "ngoek" from Mr. Sugianto will make every student he calls laugh and smile. Then now Libels students often greet Mr. Sugianto with the word "ngoek" as well. Until this ngoek virus then spreads to the point that many students greet each other with the word "ngoek".
Small things and feels not so important like this sometimes feels funnier and might leave an imprint on the memory until the reunion, whether a few years later this little thing will become our joke.
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