Not an Ordinary Tofu
Tahu susu is one of the most popular snacks in the canteen Bu Tik. Tahu susu isn't tofu that's eaten with milk. however, tahu susu is type of tofu that's mixed with pure cow's milk so that in addition to savory, the texture is also more dense and soft.
When break time comes ,the students who likes tahu susu quickly go to the canteen Bu Tik to buy it . So that not long after Bu Tik fried tahu susu, it would be sold out by students of Surabaya 15 Surabaya. They buy tahu susu not only to be made as a snack but can also be made as a side dish that is eaten together with rice and other dishes.
In tahu susu's loyal customer opinion, Allia Fitrah "tahu susu has a very good taste. The outer skin has a crispy texture but the inside is soft".
Although tahu susu is a favorite snack in the canteen bu tik. It does not cover the fact that there are plenty of snacks or other foods that are not less tasty with tahu susu Bu Tik which is also widely consumed by people of SMAN 15 Surabaya.
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good, follback
So amazing, don't forget to follow and comment back my article
i like tofu too
thats very good
Love your articles!!
Thanks :))
Knock, knock , you have been visited by The guest of honor. Rated 5 out of 5. Keep up the good work!
Knock, knock , you have been visited by The guest of honor. Rated 5 out of 5. Keep up the good work!
good job!
Thanks shaf :))
Good job yasmin
Nicee Dudee
Nicee Dudee
wow, yummy
wow, yummy
Oh goddess so cute!!
Thank you:)
our fav tofu!❤
Very nice Yasmin
So delicious! Good job!
Thanks :))
Wow, amazing!
Thank u :))
Very nice
Thank you fahira :)
Great article! Would you please follback? and Please check mine too, and kindly leave a comment. Thanks!✨
Good job yasmin
Thank u :)