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Liberty 2K19

Liberty 2K19 "ambyar"

Libels party or we can called it "LIBERTY" is an annual event of SMAN 15 Surabaya. This event is usually performed by some extracurricular, finalist band and artists.

This year, the event was held at JX International Exhibition on 15th, november 2019. Before entering the building, we think that liberty in this year isn't as crowded as before because most of us don't know who the the Guest star is. At that time, the band that we knew and we liked was "kahitna". But reality silences our minds. A very spacious place like JX Intermational Exhibition is really filled with many people who are ready to sing and dance together.

If we feel bored, we can buy food, drinks, clothes or photobooth with friends. Reality club opened the show at 8 p.m and then followed by kahita's perfomance.

As long as kahitna performed, many young people who sang along with feelings and didn't forget to capture it via video. Even though it's 11 p.m, didi kempot's perfomance was able to make it more glorious. Ambyar !!

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So amazing, don't forget to follback and comment my article. Thank you

18 Nov


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