Almost all of Surabaya residents know that Libels' annual event, Liberty, this time invited guest stars that are quite interesting, such as Reality Club, Kahitna, and Didi Kempot. This year, Liberty was held at Jatim Expo, Surabaya, on 15/11/2019.
As one of the attendance, personally, I admit it that Liberty 2k19 was quite lively and successful. Many people enjoyed their moment by singing with the guest stars and dancing happily.
But, I had another different way to enjoy Liberty this year. I didn't sing, and I didn't really dance either, since I know nothing about the guest stars that leads me to ignorance about their songs as well. And due to my hunger that time, I decided to leave the spot with one of my friends, Muthi' to go after foods at the Food Fest.
And that's where my enjoyable moments began.
We met one of our classmates, having some foods and laughed with her boyfriend. I couldn't tell their name due to some reasons, but all of my classmates know that this girl is calm and quite, making us often like to tease her when she is with her boyfriend.
So, immediately, Muthi' and I teased them at the moment we met them. Even we followed them to the upperground, disturbing their time, and called them as "Mama" and "Papa" as if we were two naughty kids of theirs. Muthi' and I laughed so hard when we saw their face, but then, we let them leave and go back to the arena as Reality Club started to perform on the stage.
"Their faces looked helpless when we called them 'Mama Papa'. We're the worst! LOL!" Muthi' stated as we sat down to the ground to enjoy our meals that we had bought from the Food Fest.
That was one of the most memorable memory when I attended Liberty 2k19, besides being "ambyar" with Didi Kempot at late night. Because of this ridiculous moment that I had through, rather than calling it "Liberty 2k19", I would like to call it as "Libertyculous" instead.
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