Wahyu Nurdiansyah Libels

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Religious Activity in Libels
Religiosity In LIbels

Religious Activity in Libels

Sman 15 Surabaya is one of the most favorite school in surabaya. As a favorite senior high school, Libels definetly Holding on to academic achievment. Other than that, libels is also a religious school. Libels also pay attentions to religious and spritual Values. All these values can be find at every programs and activities that have been held by teacher and religious sections (SKI,SKK, And other). For Example there is 3 programs that very popular especially for moslem,that is literacy, Gif’at (infaq Movement every Friday) and Friday blessing (Jumaat Berkah). Not only just that, but there is other program for other religion like retreat, and pray together , etc.

The first program is Literacy, literacy is a reading activity , especially for the the moslem student to read holy qur’an every Tuesday until Friday morning that last for 15 minutes. This programs starts after the national anthem played. Literacy itself is a program to make the student more faithfull and make the student getting used to it (getting used to read holy quran). The second and third programs is Friday blessing and Gif’at. Friday Blessing and Gif’at(infaq movement every friday) is a routine activity in SMAN 15 Surabaya every Friday. Friday Blessing is a program that aimed for sharing free food for all people that in need and those who can’t afford to buy food, and Gif’at(infaq movement every friday) is a program to train the studen for manage their money and for charity”

According to Achmad Amin Faizal, the head of moslem religious section (SKI), basically the purpose of all this program is to give a profit and advantage for all human kind, and also to make all student in Libels especially the moslem student more faithfull an raise the religious level of the student.

“all this programs look very simple but gives a lot of benefeit for all of us” Achmad amin Faizal said when he was being asked about the religious program. “All this program is also An Implementation of Religious value and humanity value, wich is very good for the school and also the student, all of this program can make the student to be more faithful, generous and make the student behaved to help others” said firman as the student of sman 15 surabay an also one of the religious section member when asked about the religious program.

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