Last Liberty with Beautiful Memory
Yesterday, 15th November 2019, liberty has been successfully held by the student council of 15 Senior highschool at Jatim Expo. The event was so amazing and very well-lined. Moreover, many people was so fun and joyful at liberty. Libels Party aka Liberty is an annual event of SMAN 15 Surabaya. This event is performing art event that showed many talents from Libels student and some local band also invite guest stars from national band or singer. This event has been around since 2012.
This year is the 8th year Liberty held. And Liberty 2K19 adopt theme “AETHEREALM” that means a magnificent world beyond the sky. “We want to make you all fascinated by the beauty of our world in Liberty this year”, said Sadam as the chief executive of Liberty 2K19.
Liberty this year is different from previous year. Why? Because Liberty 2k19 invites 3 guest stars who have different genre and different era from each other. There are Reality Club with indie genre also modern era. Reality club brought the spirit of “Millenials” cause their song is so related with young peole. The second is Kahitna with their pop song and middle era. Kahitna succeeded in making the audience throwback with their song an sing along with them. And the last is the performent of “godfather of broken heart” Didi Kempot which is a dangdut and campursari singer that came from the midleold era. The sobat ambyar (the fans of didi kempot) has been waited for this man. When unce didi sang, they was very enjoy and sing along wiht him, even a lot of them also dancing and pickaback their friend.
Unfortunately, this was the last year of liberty for us the 12th grade student. In my honest opinion, i was very happy and also sad because this was my last event. However I still enjoyed my last event with my classmate. But, for the next year we can still see the event if we want by buying the ticket on the student council.
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