Kahitna, Nostalgic of 90's Era
Kahitna, a pop-jazz music group from Bandung, Indonesia, was formed at 1986.This music group who lead by Yovie Widianto enlivened SMAN 15 Surabaya's event, that called by Libels Party (Liberty). There were some guest stars, and the one of them is Kahitna.
Their popular songs like "Andai Dia Tahu", "Cerita Cinta" , "Cantik" and also "Mantan Terindah" were played in Liberty 2019. Those things made the audiences were feeling 'nostalgic', especially, there were lots of 90's generations who came either.
This is the picture of audiences were sitting while waited the guest stars
During Kahitna's part, people sang so loud. They really enjoyed Liberty so that's why they seemed very enthusiastic. Its atmosphere was bringing us joy.
"Liberty was great. The guest stars are so famous. Many people came, even if it's old or young." said Khansa Hasna (18), a student of SMAN 15 Surabaya about Liberty
We can say that Liberty 2K19 was already success. What a great guest stars! This event was hilarious. But I'm hoping the next Liberty will always better than this.
(photo credits : kitarodesmonda)
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Laporkan Penyalahgunaan
unforgettable night ')
Amazing! What a memorable night
Kahitna is amazing
That was an amazing show!
Yeah I like the performance of kahitna yesterday
So interesting!!
Amazing!!! I really like them
Mantan terindah:(((
i really love their songs!
Indonesia's favorite group music !!!
omg, I really like them!
Nice article
i wish i was there
What an interesting article great job!
Yovie widianto the best member
That was sooo lively
the songs are amazing