Manners Maketh Man
Manners is a basic character that must be possessed by humans. This should be taught since you were a child. Whether it's from the family, school, and community. Courtesy, politeness or having good manners are all about respecting others and yourself. Manners have an important role that can help humans run their lives.
SMAN 15 SURABAYA is known for the students who have good manners. This can be proven through the habit of hand kissing and greeting the teachers in the morning in front of the lobby. This activity reflects that students respect their teacher. This habit is always maintained and continued to instill moral values in each student.
Kissing the teacher's hand is also they do when class start and finish. Mrs. Ani said, " After the class done, students must kissing the teacher's hand as a symbol of gratitude for the knowledge that has been given. Not only toward teacher who teach you, but also to all teacher". When meeting with teachers outside the class as well, students are taught to greeting the teacher too.
Some students even said that in middle school there was no habit like this and they had just gotten used to this in high school. SMAN 15 SURABAYA is not only great in achievements but also in the manners of their students.
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Laporkan Penyalahgunaan
Excellent, follback and comment back
Good manners = good student
Woww!! That's me on the second picture :v
Good job!
Very good
Sip mantol
Good job
Woww nicee
Yeah, Let's increase more manners!
Wow gud