The proud annual art event of SMAN 15 SURABAYA, LIBELS PARTY, was held successfully on Friday night, November 15th, 2019. The event that has been presented Reality Club, Kahitna and Didi Kempot as the main guest stars, made the atmosphere at JX International so lively with a variety of song genres that performed from indie rock, pop, until dangdut. Not surprisingly, childrens to adults can enjoy and be enchanted by this event.
This year’s LIBERTY brings up the theme of "AETHEREALM" which comes from 3 words; æther, ethereal, and realm. That means a magnificent world beyond the sky that could hypnotize you. And to be devoured in the beauty of that world, so deep that you forgot about all your problems.
"The stage and lighting arrangements are increasingly magnificent and modern, many culinary stands of delicious foods and drinks at affordable prices, photobooth, a aesthetical mural area and art performances by the students of SMAN 15 Surabaya created the perfect combination to enliven the event", opinion from the student who watched the event.
The first performance from Reality Club opened the concert with a strong and relaxed atmosphere of young generations. Then, followed by Kahitna who bring a nostalgia and romantic atmosphere with their songs. The highlight of the event was when Didi Kempot performed. The audiences more eager to join in singing and dancing together during his performance.
Appreciation should be given to the committees who worked hard to make this event run perfectly.
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Laporkan Penyalahgunaan
Woww, amazing!