The Most Wondefull Friday Night
As we know, Friday night was the day eagerly awaited by all the residents of SMAN 15 Surabaya, a night where the music and crowd's shout was very enthusiastic to welcome their idols on the grand stage of Liberty. Considering this year is the last year I came to Liberty as a student of SMAN 15 Surabaya, i want to be part of liberty in this years and enjoy the music with all of my friends.
I'm very lucky to have the best liberty partner for three years, she's very kind but we always meet accidentally in liberty, i think that's very unique. It will be the most memorable memory. Liberty always present the best guest star, and for this year liberty present the legend of music as we known as didi kempot, actually i don't really get interested in didi kempot, but i was very excited when kahitna up to the stage and greet all of the attendance.
I took some videos and photos to capture that moment, i'm very happy and sang together with all of my friends. In front of the entrance there is many food stand, and there is a stand that I want to go to there. That is pesen kopi stand, and i love coffee very much, after that me and my friends go to the photobooth stand, we wanted to take some photo, but we saw there were some people sharing free ice cream, and we get free ice cream. That's very lucky.
This year liberty was the most fun of all time. I get many new expreience and i hope i will remember that day forever in my life. I also hope for the next year i can come to the liberty 2k20 to enjoy the party and sing together with all of my friends. I can't wait for the next guest star in the next liberty 2k20 and i trust it will be the best concert in Surabaya.
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