Liberty 2K19 : SPECTACULAR!
JX International Convention Exhibition Surabaya seemed packed and crowded by those who wanted to see Libels Party or commonly known as Liberty on Last Friday, November 15th, 2019.
Liberty is an annual concert event held by SMAN 15 Surabaya. Liberty 2k19 uphold the theme of AETHEREALM. Aetherealm comes for 3 words; æther, ethereal, and realm. Those words mean a magnificent world beyond the sky. This year, Liberty invited 3 guest stars whose song had been listened to and enjoyed by all people. The 3 guest stars are Reality Club, Kahitna, and Didi Kempot.
Inside the venue, there is a Food Festival area, where so many stands selling a lot of different kinds of food and beverage. Meanwhile the stands for t-shirt, jacket, sticker, and hat located in the Friday Market area. Aside from those two, there is an Art Space area, this is the place to display the Mural Art that had been painted by each class of SMAN 15 Surabaya. Last but not least, there is also a 180° photo booth.
The opening act of the event performed by the 1st and 2nd place of solo vocal competition, the 1st and 2nd place of the band competition, and extracurriculars such as Anabel, Karawitan, Saman, and traditional dance. Also, there is a spectacular show by Libero band and Supercluster band.
The first guest star to performed is Reality Club. Reality Club sang their original song called Is It the Answer, Elastic Hearts, Telenovia, Alexandra, and Never Get Better.
Followed by Kahitna, they sang their hits songs such as Cantik, Soulmate, Andai Dia Tahu, Cinta Sendiri, Mantan Terindah, and Takkan Terganti. After a while, Kahitna got the whole venue fired up by asking one of the attendees to join them singing in the stage.
Finally, as the main event, Didi Kempot went to the stage to greet the attendee. The enthusiasm of Sobat Ambyar, Didi Kempot’s Fanclub, is no joke. They got the event more fired up than before. Didi Kempot has the title of The Godfather of Broken Heart because a lot of his songs talk about broken hearts and sadness. When Didi Kempot stared to sing his songs such as Pamer Bojo, Cidro, Layang Kangen, and Banyu Langit, almost all of the attendees join to sing. Some of them even dancing.
"In my opinion, this year, Liberty is really lively, like an event that can meet all expectations from young people to old people. Also, for the stage setting and its properties are very good," said Aimar, one of Liberty 2k19 attendee.
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Laporkan Penyalahgunaan
The concert was amazing!
Fathiaa!!!! she seemed so wonderful last friday
Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh. So amazing, don't forget to follback and read my article. Thank you
I was surprised when "sobat ambyar" started
this party made my day :))
this party made my day :))
That was an amazing show!
Spectacular night !!!
Wow! That's so spectacular!!
So sad that i have to go when didi kempot sing
Didi kempot best performance
wonderful!! i'm so happy bcs i can go there
The concert was soo lively
very impressive