Libels Students Are Lazy to Pray?! Will Not Happen Again
SMAN 15 Surabaya has a unique way of disciplining students who are lazy to worship, namely with prayer attendance technology using fingerprints. This attendance began on September 1, 2019.
The initiation of the prayer attendance came from all Libels religion teachers. Their goal is to discipline students' prayer times, because many students do not pray according to schedule or not disciplined.
How undisciplined? So like this, we are given a break at once ISHOMA starting at 12:15 - 13:15, but in reality many students do not use that hour properly. Many students just pray after the break time is up, so it is too late to go to class at the next lesson. Well, most of them always make prayer as a reason for being late, even though the school has given sufficient ISHOMA time. But there are still other problems, namely students who are too lazy to pray. With this attendance the school can find out who the lazy students are.
What is the reason for the religion teacher? "Students from home are entrusted by parents to the school. It is entrusted to monitor its learning, including its worship. Then student worship becomes the responsibility of the teacher. To make it easier to monitor, this fingerprint is one way. As a duty and responsibility because it has been submitted by parents. If we don't monitor, the teacher will even be a sinner, "said Pak Adi, a religious teacher, when interviewed in the teacher's office.
Why choose fingerprint? The initiative of religious teachers is to hold prayer attendance. whereas it will take a very long time if attendance is done manually. From this came the idea to install a fingerprint device in the mosque as a student prayer attendance. Moreover in libels, school attendance is already in effect using fingerprints. So this fingerprint is not new for Libels students.
How about fingerprints? There are consequences given to students. The form of the consequences varies, depending on the policies of the respective religious teachers. "For the class I teach, the consequence is to record ourselves when studying the Koran with a duration of 1 hour. If the following month there has been no progress, then the duration is increased to 2 hours, and so on. "Said Mr. Adi.
Oppose fingerprint I got information from the party that I did not mention his name, that he was on the counter party to this fingerprint policy. According to him, with this fingerprint, the purpose of prayer for students who are supposed to worship, will change to prayer to fulfill attendance. in addition, there are students who only fingerprint at the mosque, but do not pray. He considers that the absent prayer policy is not good to implement.
Responding to this, Mr. Adi answered firmly, "If the teacher does not monitor the students, instead the teacher is guilty. If someone is praying just to be absent, that's his business with God, the sin is him, why is he praying because of the fingerprint? The teacher's job is to discipline students. "
Now, what about Libels students? Still sure you want to lazy to pray?
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So amazing, don't forget to follow and comment back to my article
Good article, dont forget to follback and comment
Good Article! Follow Back please
good article
Good job ranii!
You did a good job too :)
good job
That's an amazing program
Thanks to our religion teacher
Thank you
Great article, so cool!!
Nice article ! Follback please
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Owh good i don't know what i want to add this coment
Are you lazy to pray? Wkwk, yes I am :v
Are you lazy to pray? Wkwk, yes I am :v
Are you lazy to pray? Wkwk, yes I am :v
Are you lazy to pray? Wkwk, yes I am :v
What a nice article
Good artikel rani..keep on writing n inspiring
Nice try ~~~
Nice try ~~~
Thank you :))
a very good article, keep writing, proud of u
Thank you :))