The unique culture fusion at liberty2k19
Liberty or libels party came back with something different this year,the concert that held at friday,15 november 2019 with aetherealm theme successfully made jatim expo full with audiences
“We want to make something different,not just like the other school’s concert,so we start to see who is rising artist and try to mix their genre”said Randy,one of the commitee of liberty2k19.
Although there are many people who disagree with the guest star at first doesn’t make the comitee give up,they still do the plan and make the impossible happened
“They really bold to invite artists from different genre,i never imagine didi kempot with dangdut genre,kahitna with their jazz ballad song and reality club who have an indie music can do the beautiful fusion at liberty2k19” said novi,one of an audience
That unique culture fusion really attract many people from different culture,so is the there is no objection if someone say that liberty is sucess in unique way
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