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How our support system works

teenage is a period when everything looks blurry like a window glass after the rain.confused and tired sometimes mixed in one time,it can happened because school life or the problem around them.”after all,teenage full of temptation, if we can’t bear it then we’ll get lost in it. So we have to be careful of what we’re doing. Or else we’ll lost who we really are.” Said novi

Miss widya,an intern psycholog at 15 high school(libels) often call this period as transition time,because every aspect in one’s life change significantly as an example the emotion start to “wake” ,some people often end with mental illnesses

Knowing that every student should face that,every school have a part called counseling and guidance,so is libels.There are totals 3 teachers and 2 intern psycholog that can help students.Recently,they try to solve a case about mental illness.A student called miss x have mental problem known as anxiety disorder.

“She had many symptoms,like can’t sleep every night,panic attack,psychosomatic,etc.of course this is not an easy case” said miss widya.Guidance and counseling team have to work carefully,they have to know what the exact problem that she faced.

After know her life pattern and how a single problem affect her life they can help to choose what step that she should take like come to psychiatrist or join group therapy.Not just that,they can help her with secondary therapy,as an example talk to one of them when they need someone.

Not only psychology side but also for students who need an information about snmptn,sbmptn,or scholarships they help with share many information at line group or posters at wall magazine.

“Overall,they help me so much and they always make me believe that everything is possible,someday when i pass this storm and come back to libels,the first thing i do is go to guidance and counseling room to show my biggest gratitude for them” said miss x

And mrs santi that I interviewed last week give her opinion about the students “ I’m not tired to hear all of your story,because that can make me happy too when i see a student can smile and be optimistic again after came here”

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Laporkan Penyalahgunaan


One of my favorite place!

02 Oct

good, follback

02 Oct


30 Sep

Like it

01 Oct

Counseling very useful for us student of Libels,thank you Mrs.Santi

01 Oct

Woww nicee

01 Oct

Woww nicee

01 Oct

Woww nicee

01 Oct

Woww nicee

01 Oct

Woww nicee

01 Oct

Woww nicee

01 Oct

Woww nicee

01 Oct

No more Anxiety!! Yeah!

30 Sep

this gonna be my favourite one!

30 Sep

nice article

07 Oct


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