Esports in SMAN 15 Surabaya
Now, the sport has various branches. One of them is esports or electronic sports. If in the past the game playing activity was just for refreshing, now it has become a profession equivalent to professional athletes.
From there many people flocked to become professional gamers. Many of them are teenagers who are still attending school. If in the past people had to go to internet cafes to play online games, now they only need smartphones and internet quota to play online games. That is what causes the development of esports to become very fast.
The development of esports is now also beginning to penetrate the realm of schools, one of which is SMAN 15 Surabaya or commonly called Libels. Many students play online games ranging from mobile games to PC games. The number of eSport players in Libels was responded positively by the student council and the school, it was marked by the inclusion of esports as one of the fields contested in the class meeting.
Two games have been contested in the class meeting, Mobile Legends in 2017 and PUBG Mobile in 2018. Both of these games are the games with the most players in Libels, this makes students more enthusiastic to take the class meeting, especially for the esports field. Some of them even held small tournaments to determine class representatives to compete in the competition. The inclusion of esports as one of the fields contested in this class meeting is also considered as one of the tools to network and develop students' potential in the esports field, "I think this can be a means of filtering and also developing student talent here," said one student.
In the future, it is expected that the school will pay more attention to the potential of students in the esports field because many students have potential in that field and some even aspire to become professional esports athletes but cannot develop their potential due to unfavorable environments.
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Mabar kuy
Amazing article!!
Great job my nigga !
Anjay mabar, nice one ses!
So unique! Good job!
So cool!!!
Anjay mabar!!! Great article moses!!!
Anjay mabar!!!
Great article! Please check mine too, and kindly leave a comment. Thanks!✨
Eh i mean aight, i'll check it out
Anjay, kalo aja ada ginian di sekolah gw...