Fact about Computer Laboratory in my school! Number 5 will make you amaze!!
15 State Senior High School Surabaya have so many facilities in the school, Computer Laboratory is one of the facilities we got from the school and Most of the student calls it LabKomp.
There are 5 Computer Laboratory in the school that could be used by the student, they usually use the Laboratory for Studying and Test sometimes because its easier to use a Computer than a Paper Based Test. The Location of the Laboratory can be found on the Second floor of the North Building.
The Computer Laboratory is really comfortable, clean, and cold. There are 40 units of computer each laboratory and each table of computer have their own tool like mouse, keyboard, monitor. If they have finished the task they could go back to their own classe
So, there are 2 persons that are responsible to the Laboratory, They are Mrs Firdausin and Mrs Latifa. Their job is to make sure that everything is fine in the Laboratory, if there is something wrong inside the Laboratory, they have an alternative person to fix it all, his name is Mr Fajar.
"For me, this lab is really useful for us, students, Because it reduces the usage of paper and an effective way to correct the answer" Said Alif, One of the students.
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