Commotion in Liberty
It’s that time of the year, libels party, or we called it Liberty. It’s an annual event, which held by a pretty knew high school, SMAN 15 Surabaya. Organized with full of hope of this event is going to be the best than the other events SMAN 15 Surabaya ever held, they serve us with a magnificent stage, a lot of interesting bazaars, and the most important thing in an event is the guests star, the guests star are consist of Reality Club, Didi Kempot, and Kahitna. This year the theme of this event is fantasy, named aetherealm.

The services they gave are great, the foods in there are great, the concert is great, even though I don’t know the songs they performed. Overall it’s great. But, there is a commotion in the middle of the crowds.
It was a pickpocket, he ran to the exit door but the police caught him at the exit door. But it’s not just one person that does that. There is a group, a team, that planned to pickpocket in this event, they target phones. First, they silently and smoothey took your phone from your pocket or they accidentally push you so you become less focus on your pocket. Then, after they got your phone, they toss it to their friend, and then they get out of the crowd. They also take advantage of the hype of the crowd and the magnificent concert the guest star gave.

There are around 20 phones that they stole from their victims in this event. There are estimated around 7 people who committed theft, but only 3 people who get caught by the police and the security. People who’s phone got stolen, told to wait in the lobby. Most of the victims are men. Maybe it’s because men usually don’t bring a bag, satchel, or pouch to such event, they relying on their pockets because they don’t usually bring so much stuff. Next time, maybe bring a bag or be cautious about your surrounding.

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