saphira aurelia huzaen

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bagaimana gacha mengubah hidupku ( eng )

bagaimana gacha mengubah hidupku ( eng )

hai! so im gonna tell you all about gacha. its actually not a game for children under 10.

but haters say its only for kids. And i said "your wrong you should've seen the gore, its scary and realistic".

From there i learned how to draw, it made me happier. It makes me inspirated and have the motivation to live. i learn how to be patient by watching gacha, i learn how to express my true feelings, guess thats all bye!

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Laporkan Penyalahgunaan


I've downloaded it, but i don't know how to play that. So, i delete the game:) (Maaf kalo salah><)

19 Dec

Is it true that the Gacha game is like a game?

19 Dec

I don't know, i just choose the dress, hair, and other. I really don't know how to play:) My friend didn't tell me how to play it_-

19 Dec

Can you (shapira) tell me how to play it?

19 Dec

I don't know, i just choose the dress, hair, and other. I really don't know how to play:) My friend didn't tell me how to play it_-

19 Dec

why is there gore? scary

19 Dec

Yes! So scary..

19 Dec


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