Sandrina Emily Damanik

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Sleeping Murderers

Judul: Sleeping Murderers

Penulis: Sandrina Emily Damanik

Sekolah: SDK Tirtamarta-BPK Penabur

Jenis Buku: Novel Fiksi


Esme, is just a normal woman, living alone in a neighborhood where nothing ever happened. Until one night, Esme felt odd. She always slept about 8-9 hours, but for a month she felt as if she only got about half an hour of sleep. Everything was blank, she couldn’t remember a thing about her night. To make matters worse, there were murders near her neighborhood every night she felt this way. She tried sleep studies, meditation, and things she found online, but she still felt that way.

Esme was so frustrated she decided to videotape herself sleeping for the night, checking or more like hoping if it was nothing. The next day, Esme watched the videotape and she was utterly shocked. She was sleepwalking! Though that was not the reason she was in that level of shock. It was because 'she' looked wide awake, 'she' was actually smirking and waving to the camera right before 'she' disappeared and only came back 5 minutes before she woke up that morning. Esme kept recording for a week and had the same outcome. While during this week, the murders never stop.

What is happening to her and why is it happening? Is she the murderer? Will everything be back to normal? Read to find out!


1. My Boring Neighborhood

2. Sleeping Troubles

3. What’s Happening?

4. Friends

5. Talking it Through

6. Having Doubts

7. Finding Him

8. The Last Room

9. An Empty Diary

10. Your Fault

11. Moving On

Cover Buku:

Warnanya Navy Blue, a woman (with wavy hair covering one eye) will be sitting on her bed, There will be a videotape recorder (silver) diagonally, jadi dari samping, directed to her. She'll be waving to the camera with an evil smirk (smirknya warnanya putih). She will be all black jadi kayak bayangan saja. I want judulnya and tulisan penulisnya to be white as well.

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