The Tree Historical Nights
Chapter 1
The Night Falls
Hello there, I have question for you, do you believe in magic? Welcome to the Magical School called Kiyo, Kiyo is a magical places to interduces people about magic. And one of the most amazing thing to learn when you’re a Junior Kiyo is The Three Historical Nights. You might be asking what is The Three Historical Nights? Well In the world of Magic there are three Rulers of Magic, Theres is Ruler of Spells, Ruler of Potions, and Ruler of Power. The Ruler of Spells is Queen Nala, The Ruler of Potions is Queen Fora, and the Ruler of Power is Vaani.
They all work together to become The Three Magic Queens. They are also siblings that were born in the hands of Queen Futa the Queen of Magic. They love there Mother but what they didn’t know that she would be gone forever. They were so sad and determined to fulfill there Mothers dream’s of becoming The Future Queen of Magic and that Magic will be separeted by Three.
But three of them had a nightmare that will change there lives forever. Nala the Queen of Spells had a dream where her kingdom will fall and crumbel into one of hers sisters hands. And she will take each and every bit of the magic and turn it evil “What? Why are you doing this Sister?” She said as she was trembling. While Nala was Having her nightmare Fora also had a dream about her finding out her mother joined the evil that her mother has bin warning her and her sibilings “Mother what are you doing? Why are you joining the evil?” Fora question in her dream then suddenly her mother saw here and she woke up . While they both had bad dreams Vaani was dreaming about how she was straded in a island and met someone that she is familiar with and had seen before in her past “Hello? Who are you? Why do I feel like I have seen you before” “Vanni go to the Acient temple and finded the Gem of Da… “What? What did you say? “Please don’t go”.Then the next day they wanted to have a private meal to discuss about what they had dreamed last night.
“Did you two had a nightmare last night? “ Nala ask “Yes, it was a very questionable dream” Vanni said “Well I am certainly not going to tell my dream”, Why they both asked She didn’t Respond. While Vaani and Nala were explaining what there dream was, Fora sat there scared to tell her dream, she thought her sisters would think shes insane, and brake there relationship as sisters. After the meal they were trying to see what that dream was giving, was the dream giving information or just a thought in the back of the queenes head. Nala tried to make her kingdom stronger and kept the magic safe, while Fora was searching for evidence of what her mother was hiding, and Vaani was asking a lot of question to her family about the boy that she had meet in her dream. For about few week they decide to have break after all of the work they had done, And Nala wanted a private meeting talking about what they had found and learned after week’s of searching information about the dream.
“Hey, so its been a few week’s after we have seen each other Since we were so busy trying to find information. So lets start from Fora. Fora what have you found?” Nala asked “I have found some item’s that mothers was hiding in her old room, like this Magical Glasses, a Magical Wand, and a Star Shi….Star Sit…Its justl star bla bla bla Flower I don’t know what this say’s”. Ehh….Its Star Sisar Flower, For some reason They all look suspicios and weird. “Yeh I know that’s why I wanted to ask if any of you guys seen these things before? “ Fora asked, Both said no, “Alright know Vaani what have you got” Nala said “Well I asked one of our cousin’s Abia and She said it one of our relitives, Erik our Cousin, I don’t know who he is “ Vaani said “Really” They both asked, “Well Erik is one of our cousins that we are very close to when we were 5 but we got separated” Nala Replayed “Oh… well do you know what he looks like and where he live’s Know, cause I would like to ask him question?” Vaani asked “Well I don’t know what he looks like but I know where he lives” Fora said. Nala was shocked and asked how did she know where he lived, Fora explained that she has been trying to keep in touch with the cousin’s and she asked Abia about him, Abia explained every bit of detail about him because that’s her brother. She explained that he was a dissapointment to his family and he decided to leave the house forever but he left a note in Abia’s door saying “GoodBye sister I’m runing away from home, I will miss you but if you want to visit me go to this adress, well then this is Good Bye, farewell” She showed it to her parents but the parents didn’t even care he left. And Abia likes to visit him every Weekend so he doesn’t feel lonely. They both were shoked, And Vaani decided to go to the place where he lived but of course she asked Abia if she can do that but Abia was not letting her going alone so both of them decided to go tomorrow morning. The next day they change there outfits itno some thing that would be good for adveanture’s and they meet up at the Fountian of Star’s and they went on with there Adventure. While they were going to the place Vaani realies that the place was the Wooden Galy Forest, The wooden Galy Forest was a place where the Evil began in the world of magic.“Umm….Isn’t this the Wooden Galy Forest” Vaani asked “Uhh yeah whats wrong” Abia asnwerd Later Vaani explaind that The Forest was Cursed By one of the people from the “Ennight” She later explained that the Ennight has 3 People Luna Shane, Soca Vine , And the Leader Vil Wolde, they were know for being apart of the StarNoon at the Light Years, Abia was shocked and decided they should should leave but they were to late, They were all readdy in the middle of the forest. And they heard Growling, Howling And Oh My God It’s ERIK? “What, Erik? what are you doing here in the middle of the Forest” Abia asked “Oh im just giving this little Puppy’s a walk (Its was a Wolf)” Erik said “Wait who’s beside you I have I seen you before’ Erik quetioned Abia Interduces Vaani to Erick. Erick greated Vaani with Grace and asked why were they in the middle of the Forest, Abia and Vaani explained that they wanted to see him to ask him Question”s. “Oh..of course, But lets go to my house, it’s a bit danger’s to be in the middle of the forest at this time” Erik Responded. Erik iterduce’s Vaani and Abia his house, Usely Abia visits Erick at the forest. But Erick hasn’t interduces Abia to his house. His house was a cave with beautiful lights and crystal’s with animal’s of the forest like Birds, Wolfs, Foxs, Deers, And more. “Wow, This place is Beautiful” Vaani said. Erick asked what Vaani was going to ask, Vaani asked a lot of question’s like “Why did you run away” Vaani asked “Of because I thought if I wasn’t in the house a wouldn’t be a trouble to the family, litle do I know it got worst” Erick aswerd while Vaani and Abi was asking questions there was a Growl, They decided to go out side to see what hapend and The Ennight was infront of the cave “HAHAHAHAHA So you dediced to show up!” Vil Said “What?How?Where?” Vaani questioned “So this is what you meant by Ennight” Abia said “who are they exactly?” Erick asked. “Perhapes you don’t know use, well we are Ennight the most Amazing super Villian group in the hole entire world” Vil said, well not really. After that Ennight challege Them to a fight if Vill and the others win Vaani and her sisters will give everything, but if Vaani and the other’s win Ennight have to live them alone. As the Battle started Ennight started to give up “Uhh..there to good, I never even seen them fight , AHEW” Soca said “Oh My God he cant even hadle that, W.E.A.K” Luna said ‘Really, How about your in my position I’m losing my power’s here” Soca said, Then Vaani realise that they were losing power while Three Magic Queene’s are gaining power, Finally Ennight give up but not for long. “Uhh you little piece of aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh” Vil said, and they storm of, Then finally Vaani asked the main question ‘Erick, Is there any chance you are or were part of the Ennight or evil?” Vaani asked, then Erick suddenly stop and stared to lost his eye site then he fanted “What Erick, Erick, Erick wake up” Abia said, Vaani tried to use her magic but it didn’t work so she gave a sign to Fora to come to the forest.
So Sorry for the gramer
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