The Tree Historical Night's
Judul:The Tree Historical Nights
Penulis: Samantha Eleanor Lumintang
Jenis Buku Fiksi
In magic there are three rulers Nala the Queene of Spells, Fora The Queene of Potion, and Vaani the Queene of Power. They all work together to be came the thre magic queene. Theye were in the hands of The queene of Magic, Queene Futa. But one they there Mother will be gone for ever, Because of that those tree sisters were ditermet to fufllfill her mothers Dream. But one Night they had a Nightmare that would change there live for ever.
Nala the Queene of Spells had a dream where her kingdom will fall and crumbel into one of hers sisters hands. On the other hand Fora was dreaming about her finding out her mother joined the evil that her mother has bin warning her and her sibilings “Mother what are you doing? Why are you joining the evil?” Fora question in her dream . Well they both had bad dreams Vaani was dreaming about how she was straded in a island and met someone that she is familiar with and had seen before in her past “Hello who are you? Why do I feel like I have seen you before” “Because you have Vaa…” “What? Where did you go? someone help please”. The next they wanted a private meal ti discuss about what they had dream last night.
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