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Jatim Expo Was Shaken!

Jatim Expo Was Shaken!

On Saturday 15 November 2019, the Jatim Expo was shaken again. Lots of people queue in front of the Jatim Expo building to be able to enter and enjoy an art performance. This art perfomance is Liberty.

Libels party or better known as Liberty is an annual art performance held by SMAN 15 Surabaya (Libels). This event is open to the public and libels also always invite top artists as guess stars!

Liberty has been around since 2011 and every year Liberty has a different theme.

For this year, liberty’s theme is “Aetherealm”. This year, Liberty also invited artists who were no less cool than the previous years. For this years Liberty invited Reality club, Kahitna, dan Didi Kempot.

Liberty starts with the appearance of the winning band of the band competition and also the extracurricular performance.

Then the performance was continued by the reality club which made the entire audience bewitched by their beautiful songs.

Then kahitna came and shook Jatim Expo with their beautiful song. Kahitna performed Mantan Terindah, Cantik and many more who made the audience emotional and joined to singing together.

Then Didi kempot come and made the whole audience scream hysterically. Didi kempot opened his performance with “Cidro” who made the entire audience danced when they hear it. Then didi kempot close his performance with “pamer bojo” that really made jatim expo shaken because of it.

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Laporkan Penyalahgunaan


That was an amazing show!

17 Nov

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh. So amazing, don't forget to follback and read my article. Thank you

18 Nov

Dazzling performences

17 Nov

Wow! That's so spectacular!!

19 Nov


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