Paskibra Libels Community Get’s Back after A Year Vacuum from the Flag Raise Sector
(17//08/2019) Delegation of SMAN 15 in town flag raise, Khansa Hasnah (XI-2) showed us if paskibra libels community or we know it plc started to make a new journey. She was selected to be part from Surabaya flag raises. Not only khansa, but also Kevin Faza (X-3). It’s mean that plc really regard this sector.

As we know, in 2018 plc dispatch it delegation at May, 21st 2018 to celebrating National Revival Day on Grahadi State Building. The student who’s selected to be part of the flag raises is Salsabila Niken (XI-8) and Muhammad Izzul (XII-9).

In August, 17th 2019 plc dispatch it delegation too to celebrating Independence Day on Province Education Authorities Building. Salsabila Niken (XI-8) and Muhammad Izzul (XII-9 ) be SMAN 15 delegation again for this ceremony. And no one delegation for flag raises sector after that.
In Saturday (September, 28th ) we meet the coach of plc and interview him about this progress. We trying to came in his house, and he allow us to interview him. “Of course, I’m really regard for who’s proper to be the next Surabaya Flag Raises. It’s a big chance. We select 4 student to be a delegation from SMAN 15, but the town flag raises organization only choose 2 student, one boy and one girl. The rules actually declare if in one school only can dispatch 2 student, one boy and one girl,” said Bagus Aji, as the coach. “I hope the next generation of plc can continue them senior,” he added.
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great job sall!
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