SMAN 15 Surabaya every year holds a music concert by presenting guest stars to tone up the event. This year too. LIBERTY on Friday, November 15, 2019 was held at the Jatim Expo which was toned up by guest stars including Didi Kempot, Kahitna, and Reality Club. Not only music concert, bazaar arena and mural exhibitions are also here. The murals are created by Libels's students. Even though LIBERTY 2K19 with the theme of AETHEREALM is a Libels's students event, this event is open for public. Lots of tickets were sold. Jatim Expo area is invaded by Libels members and other people who want to watch Libels music concert. "The innovation is good, featuring typical Indonesian music," said one of the visitor.
The music concert starts around 20.30 with the first guest star, Reality Club, performing some songs. The audience seemed to enjoy the performance. The second performance was filled by Kahitna. The atmosphere became increasingly crowded. Many audience took videos and sang together. Also the seen of one of the audience who was invited to go on stage made the atmosphere more crowded. The third performance was the top event with guest star Didi Kempot. Many teenagers and adults danced to the fangirl music that was displayed. They also sang together so that the atmosphere becomes very crowded with their singing and cheering. LIBERTY must be maintained by Libels so that this hereditary event will not fade and can become better in the future.
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Good job
Nice article