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Libels Party 2k19

Libels Party 2k19

SMAN 15 Surabaya held their annual event again namely Liberty or Libels Party 2k19. this event was held on 15th of November 2019, in Jatim Expo Convention Hall with a theme AETHEREALM. "Aetherealm" consist of three word, æther, ethereal, and realm. Means a magnificent world beyond the sky.

The event felt so lively because of the crowd that stuffed the venue, and the performance of the libels' students presenting their extracuricullar such as, karawitan, saman, anabel (angklung and kolintang ansamble), libero band and Supercluster band. Not just that, there are also solo vocals competition winner, band competition winner, and some famous guest star like Reality Club, Kahitna, and Didi Kempot that spice things out. Besides all that, there's also a photobooth to capture the moment on liberty, and there's also a lot of food stands available such as, McDonald's, Yoshinoya, Etc

Also thanks to the commitee of Liberty, you're awesome, and to the enthusiastic crowd for this event. Liberty 2k19 succes.

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Laporkan Penyalahgunaan


So amazing, don't forget to follback and comment my article. Thank you

18 Nov

Wow! That's so spectacular!!

19 Nov


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