Liberty: Extraordinary Fancy Concert
Liberty, which stands for Libels Party is an annual concert held by SMAN 15 Surabaya. For this year, liberty was held at Jatim Expo and used the theme of Aetherealm which brought an atmosphere of cartoon imagination. Famous artists invited were Reality Club, Kahitma, and Didi Kempot.
One of the uniqueness this year is the special opening which was opened by the principal of SMAN 15 Surabaya by playing the electric guitar professionally. This make a highlight and audience amazed at the principal.
Besides enjoying music from famous artists, you can also come to the booth to eat, drink, clothe, to photoboths. Liberty provides many stands that you can try one by one. Each stand is always full so it must be willing to queue up first.
"Liberty is great, but i wait for the artist a long time" commented from the seller of chicken rice boxes at the Liberty stand. This comment shows the enthusiasm of the audience and the seller to look forward to the appearance of their idol artists. The way they enjoy music is different for each artist who performs. From the Reality club where all the spectators waved, Kahitna who all sang, and Didi Kempot who all danced.
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Laporkan Penyalahgunaan
Mr. Jo is cool with the strains of his guitar :D