The Hungy Stray Cat
A lot of you guys know her in 12 MIPA 5 as Stela, but maybe in some other classes may know her as Nero, Siti, Joko, Cong, or others. She come in many classes everyday at breaktime just to ask for a food.
When she is feeling sleepy, she always go the classes that allowed her to sleep there, eventhought there are not in a break. A lot of places that has been slept/sat by her, on a jacket, on someone is lap, on a bag, on table, on a floor, in a drawer.
Sometimes she get in to a class by sneaking behind someone that gets in, but many people in other classes allowed her, some say that if she get's in to your class, that's mean your class is very cozy making her love your class. It's because cat can sleep only when she feel safe.
There is a theory that this cat is a descendant from Nur, the old libels beloved cat that now is missing, Nur was having a baby in behind the troopy rack, maybe she is one of her daughter. But its only a theory, no one knows for sure.
Now Stela is a mother, she got pragnent with some other cat, in three moth she will give a birth and she need some place to stay, if not, many other cat that are fighting for there territory, and she will loss her a child if she didnt get a territory. That's why we need to treat her good, not many people dislike her and had an argument that she's not distrubing other classes, that's all.
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Laporkan Penyalahgunaan
So cute
Yes she is
Thank youuu
Yeah i forgot that's her name to
Sooo cute
Thank you
Wowww Amazing Awesome Great Good Job
unfaedah but good
Meow meow meow
Meow meow meow
Very very cute
Great! Feedback & follback please :)
Great! I love cat
Cinaaa aww
so cute! nice
Nice dam
nice dam
Mumumumumu, komen balik dam
Poor stela, cino, nur :'((
omg, so cuteee
Knock, knock , you have been visited by The guest of honor. Rated 5 out of 5. Keep up the good work!
Good Article, follow back
poor stela :(
so cuteee
Nais... mwasokk
Nais... mwasokk
Nais... mwasokk
Nais... mwasokk
Nais... mwasokk
Nais... mwasokk
Nais... mwasokk
Nais... mwasokk
Nais... mwasokk
Nais... mwasokk
Nais... mwasokk
Nais... mwasokk
Wow, 15 senior highschool is so cool