Rochelle Trixie Libels

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A Magnificent Realm on November
crowded from Liberty 2k19, November 15th

A Magnificent Realm on November

Do you like to party? Or do you like to being around with total stranger but together, sing your favorite song loudly? Here’s an event where you could feel happy, sad (while hearing “sad” song from one of our guest star), dance like nobody’s around, and excited in the same time!

On November 15th,2019 OSIS-MPK SMAN 15 Surabaya held a party called LIBERTY 2k19 a.k.a LIBELS PARTY 2K19. This is not just a party, not a decent-looking party where you just drink, listen to music, or just sit in a couch. No! This ‘party’ held in one of the biggest convention hall in East Java (international artis held concert in here, you can tell) Jatim Expo. And guess what? We got some high-class guest star that would make people wondering “is this some cross-genres concert?” YES! Maybe you wonder our guest star is a cross-genres, but with all of the concept mixtures and creativity made by SMAN 15’s student, somehow this event’s atmosphere is perfectly balanced.

“Aetherealm”, this year’s slogan, comes from 3 words; æther, ethereal, and realm. That means a magnificent world beyond the sky. For this year’s theme, this event depict magic world, wonderland, and fantasy. The commitee tried to decorate and design the venue as how it supposed to be, magic world, to show the audience the concept of Liberty 2k19 because this event’s strength is not just in the guest star, but they also have a great concept to complete a perfect event.

A great art showcase wouldn’t complete without guest stars. With 3 guest stars perform upon the stage, singing with the audience, dancing around, yes, that’s how you describe a perfect night at Liberty 2k19. Reality Club (one of the famous alternative band from Indonesia), the legendary Kahitna, and last but not least, godfather of brokenheart, Didi Kempot, ready to complete your perfect and magnificent night at Liberty 2k19. Thousands of people rush to Jatim Expo, saw them performing and inviting the audience to sing together. How could you miss this moment? After the long night of Liberty 2k19, a lot of happy faces come out from Jatim Expo, still jamming on the guest stars’ song, and left the venue happily.

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