Fantastic Liberty 2k19
Friday, November 12th, 2019, 06:20 PM
That day SMAN 15 Surabaya held the annual event, is Liberty. This year is the 8th and takes the theme of Aetherealm.
Initially, I was amazed by the design of Liberty tickets, both presale and VIP. It’s so cool. Then, when I arrived at Jatim Expo, there were many paintings about the theme of Liberty this year. The painting was made by Libels students, ahead of the Liberty event. Very creative.
Arrived at the Jatim Expo, my friends and I saw so crowded parking lots of motorbikes, cars, people selling, and people waiting in line.
Jatim Expo has been rocked by some very epic performances from Kahitna, Reality Club, and our Ambyar’s father, Didi Kempot.
The first showing is from the Reality Club. The one singing the song is, Is It The Answer, Telenovia, Alexandra, Elastic Heart, and several other songs.
Then the second performance from Kahitna, who sang the song Andai Dia Tahu, Mantan Terindah, Soulmate, Cantik, etc.
Then the last performance came from our Ambyar's father, is Didi kempot, who sing 'Ambyar' songs like, Pamer Bojo, Cidro, Layang Kangen, and Banyu Langit. The atmosphere of the night was very epic. Everyone danced happily, and some were busy recording anyway.
Before the main performance of the guest star, the event was filled with various performances from Libels students and outside Libels participants. Like Saman Queen, Anabel, Karawitan, Javanese Dance, and some interesting band performances. And more interesting once, the host of Liberty is from DJ FM, who can liven up the atmosphere when the audience is chaotic, bored, and tired.
I think Liberty this year is very memorable. Because I and my classmates can join this event together. Although, our Liberty 2k17 and 2k18 have never been together like this. And what makes me sad, this is the last Liberty for me and my friends because we are already in 12th grade. But it's okay, this is not a farewell.
Overall libels party 2k19 is amazing and luxurious in terms of theme, guest star, ticket design, stage design, and much more. Hopefully, SMAN 15 Surabaya will successfully hold a Liberty event in the following year.
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Laporkan Penyalahgunaan
Great !!
Liberty 2019 was really amazing!
senior year with last incredible event:')
That was an amazing show!
Unforgettable moment :)
so incredible!
Amazing event!!!
I saw you in the pictureee
So cool
Wow! That's so spectacular!!
Omg amazing!!
Nice !!
i wish i was there
Nice photos, very informative and complete! Keep up the good work!
Nice picture
Awesomeee !