Our Rare Security
Not infrequently we know a security guard is a creepy and fierce person because we often see some security guard who rebuked someone that made a mistake in safety.
But not in libels, our securities often make us laugh with their jokes. They are the three members who always greet libelsian in the morning and in the afternoon.
Call it M-boyband, Man Min Mon. Three people whose names are either intentional or not, similar to each other, only different from their face anyway.
Start from Mr Man who is the elder, this person always smile and happy to tell his story of life to anyone. Pak Man is a good and friendly person.
The second is Mr Min, a kind of heart person because if we want to go out for a photocopy he always allow us to go, um... But sometimes Pak Min also often lability so we have to ask this one boyband if we want to go out for photocopy.
And the last one is Mr Mon, the youngest member of M-boyband between Mr Man and Mr Min. Mr Mon is a true gamers because he always play games on his gadget in free time.
The point is three of them are kind and friendly, if one of you read this article, keep the spirit continues to work, Sir!
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cute pictures, especially the one on the left
so kyut
Great article
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Nice article
Full of English!!!