The New Payment System of Libels
Management of school cafeteria can reach the goals expected by the forms of service in the cafeteria that includes self-service system, wait service system, and service system tray. Coupon payment system on Healthy Canteen Service is a new innovation of forms of service in Canteen SMAN 15 Surabaya.
Before buying food, students have to exchange money with coupons that are provided by canteen's officer. Purchase a coupon can be done at the library starting at the first break. Nominal of coupon which is can redeemable, are Rp 500, Rp 1000, Rp 2000, Rp 5000 and Rp 10000.
This systems ended when the traders depositing their coupons to administration. The traders must deposit the total coupon obtained to the administration for obtaining the profit. What's the benefit of coupon system according to libels students? "I think that purpose of the coupon system is to applied to traders doing a booth rental system with 10% discount on sales and also practicing student patience in buying" said anis
In addition, the application of the coupon payment system also allows students to obtain the return of small money. When buying food, students don't take too long to wait returns. In other hand, the coupon benefits which are the students are more disciplined, the students be patient when purchasing the coupon, and increasing the honesty of students, and make the traders pay the booth easily.
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Thanks elys
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it's great!
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So amazing, don't forget to follow and comment back my article
Crazy rich libels
Good articel
Good articel
good article
Thank you gemboel
Thank you filz
good job
It's very interesting article. Good job, my new deskmate! :)
good job stone!
good job stone!
Thank you shapo
Real good
Great articel
great article
Uwowww Amazing !!!
Thank you haekal
Omg so cool
Thank you bang
good job rin!
good job rin!
Thanks tir
So cool!!
Nice, good job!
Thanks ciwan
Waw amazing
Thanks cel
Great article! Would you please follback? and Please check mine too, and kindly leave a comment. Thanks!✨
Thanks dep
Good Job Rina!!!!
Thanks wil
good job!
Thanks vir
Good job
Thanks dev
Thank you friend
Waww, nice article, but actually many contra about thus program