Rina Purwanti Libels

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Inside Liberty

Inside Liberty

Libels party or commonly called Liberty is one of the annual events held by Sman 15 Surabaya. Liberty was held in JX International on 15th November 2019 with the theme "Aetherealm". Liberty invites guest star, namely Reality Club, Kahitna, and Didi Kempot with various genres that can be attended by all circles from teenagers to old.

In addition to music events, there are also Foodfest, Photobooth, exhibition mural of students Sman 15 Surabaya, and many more. The event started at 15.00 which was opened with the appearance of solo and band competition winner. It was followed by the performance of the Libels extracurricular, consisting of Saman Queen, Belstrada, Karawitan, and Anabel. In addition, there are performance of the Libero Band and Supercluster Band which is no less interesting.

After that, proceed with the main appearance of the guest star. The first guest star, namely Reality Club. Reality Club performed the song titled "Elastic heart", "Is it the answer" and much, much more. The second guest star, namely Kahitna. They managed to make the audience sing and enjoy the song. The song they performed is "Beautiful", "Merpati putih", and "Soulmate".

The appearance of the last guest star, the much awaited, namely Didi Kempot. All the millenial call it "Sobat ambyar". Didi kempot managed to make the audience dancing and singing along. Didi kempot performed the song titled "pamer bojo", "ambyar", "kartonyono medot janji" and many more. The event is running successfully with more than 4000 spectators. I hope, the Liberty next year can invite a guest star that didn't loose from this year and create a new creativity.

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So amazing, don't forget to follback and comment my article. Thank you

18 Nov


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