Welcome to Another Dimension
Friday, 15 November 2019. One of the biggest school art performances in Surabaya has been held. The art performance, which was held by SMA 15 Surabaya or better known as Liberty, attracted many enthusiasts, ranging from children to adults.
This year's Liberty has the theme "Aetherealm". Another dimension of the world, where many miracles often occur. The stage and venue are decorated as well as possible so that the audience can feel like they really are in another dimension of the world.
Yesterday's Liberty program began with the appearance of several extracurricular activities at SMA 15 Surabaya such as Saman Queen, Belstrada and Anabelle. Not only that, Liberty was also enlivened yesterday with bands and solo singers who had won auditions held by the committee.
The audience began screaming when the first guest star began to come out. Reality Club successfully entertained fans that have come to this event.
The excitement of the Liberty event ended with the appearance of Didi Kempot, dubbed the "Lord of Broken Heart". The songs that he brought succeeded in making the crowd dancing happily till the end.
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Laporkan Penyalahgunaan
That was an amazing show!
So amazing, don't forget to follback and comment my article. Thank you
that was an amazing party
Wow! That's so spectacular!!
amazing spiderman!