Courts Facilities for the Better Future
In learning or doing educational activities, the existence of adequate facilities and infrastructure is one of the supporting factors for student's achievement on both academic and non-academic. One of them is the existing sports facilities, especially the courts.
Realizing this, SMA 15 Surabaya seriously provides adequate sports courts for its Students. This is intended so that student can do sports activities properly.
Mr. Setyo as a sports teacher said "field conditions here are fairly sufficient for now, but I still want a renovation in the future. for example the basketball court, where the surface starts to fall, so it is feared it could be flooded during the rainy season"
Currently, SMA 15 Surabaya has four main courts consisting of one basketball court, one futsal court, and two volleyball courts. These four courts are often used for extracurricular activities and teaching and learning activities in schools.
"I often play basketball, futsal and sometimes volleyball during sports lessons. I think for the basketball and futsal court, it's already good, but for the volleyball court is still gritty, so when I playing it is rather disturbed by the dust" said Rama, one of the students at SMA 15 Surabaya.
This can be a consideration for schools to be able to improve courts conditions so that they become better in the future.
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Nice article!
Our courts
Wow amazing!!!
A great court will give birth to great athletes
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