Rico Libels

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A Night to Remember
Fathia Izzati vocalist from Reality Club

A Night to Remember

Yesterday, Libels (SMAN 15 Surabaya) had just held a big music performance. The theme of Liberty (The Show Name) this year is Aetherealm it's like something about magic and mystery.

Besides the interesting theme, they also invited Guest Stars whose popularity is not in doubt. First Reality Club, an indie rock music group from Indonesia formed on April 16, 2016. This band is fronted by Fathia Izzati who is also a YouTuber.

Secondly there is Kahitna, Kahitna is a music group from Bandung, Indonesia, which was formed on June 24, 1986, and has 9 members. This music group is led by Yovie Widianto (piano). Although they often carries the theme of love in his lyrics, Kahitna is able to combine elements of jazz, pop, fusion, latin and even ethnic music into an alluring form of concoction. They succeeded in making the whole Jatim Expo sing very loudly especially when the song Andai Dia Tahu and Cantik were a favorite of the audience.

Finally, the most awaited is The Godfather of Brokenheart yap! Didi Kempot, he managed to make the audience Ambyarrr with the songs he brought with his personnel. The audience is hypnotized by his show. A very impressive performance with the song "Pamer Bojo" successfully closed the night of Liberty 2k19 yesterday beautifully.

This is the eighth Liberty and the committee succeeded in bringing the theme of Aetherealm which is supported by the performance of the Guest Stars, making Liberty a Night to Remember for the audience!

Photo Credits: Publication and Documentation Committee

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Laporkan Penyalahgunaan


I really enjoyed it

17 Nov

So amazing, don't forget to follback and read my article.

18 Nov

this party was amazing!!

20 Nov

that was a memorable night

18 Nov

Wow! That's so spectacular!!

19 Nov

Nice photo

17 Nov


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