Regina Herputri Libels

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The performance of Libero Band. Cr: @galeritheiah


Liberty (Libels Party) is an art performance held annually by SMAN 15 Surabaya. Liberty is always enlivened by famous artists. This year, Reality Club, Kahitna, and Didi Kempot, are the gueststars of Liberty.

Before the gueststars, there were a number of interesting performances to open the event. They are representatives of several extracurriculars and bands from SMAN 15 Surabaya. One of them is the Libero Band.

Libero or Libels Project Band, is a band of SMAN 15 Surabaya. Libero is the band who represented the school at the 2019 UBS Youthcon event. Libero Band consists of Reinka (vocalist), Audi (vocalist), Lois (bassist), Galvien (guitarist), Elvin (guitarist), Zidane (keyboardist), and Ravhael (drummer).

Libero Band successfully performed three songs, Berharap Tak Berpisah (Reza Artamevia), My Everything (Glenn Fredly), and Runaway Baby (Bruno Mars). It's all because of their struggle to practice for approximately three weeks. They also successfully faced various obstacles. Starting from arranging training schedules in the middle of busy school life to a broken guitar the day before Liberty.

"Very exciting, we could performed in front of thousands people. Great lighting!" said Reinka the vocalist. "The venue and gueststars were lit!" Zidane the keyboardist chimed in.

Overall they are satisfied with their performance and proud of Liberty 2K19. They hope the quality and safety of Liberty events can get better from year to year. They also hope to be back at the next Liberty.

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