Sinopsis buku
Sinopsis: Jack was a normal kid in high school, seeking adventure. Little did he know he would end up having the adventure of a lifetime!
Jack was a boy in high school when he decided to go on an adventure with his friends (under the influence of his friend; Andrew.) He gathered 4 of his friends to go to a cave on top of a hill with Brad (the one who found the cliff in the first place), Stacy, and Andrew. They explored the cave and made a breaking discovery, there had been giants living in that cave! Brad gets mad at Jack for dragging him with Jack and decides to leave. But when he leaves, he gets picked up by one of the giant!
Jack, Stacy, and Andrew have to save their friend so they go back to their town and warn everyone about the giants. Jack explains his plan to defeat the giants. And the people listen. So now, Jack and his friends are determined to defeat the giant with their friend, Brad. Meanwhile, Brad is being tormented by the giants. They were threatening him.
Brad tickles the giant’s hand and escapes. While the town is discussing how to get Brad back, Brad runs to them on his own, making the plan even easier. The people of the town hear the giant coming towards them at the town so they put their plan into action. They got rocks big and small and ran toward the cave. When they got there, the giant was right above them so they started throwing their rocks (from Jack’s plan.) The giant getting hurt, it decided to run back in the cave. So the people of the town quickly headed up the cliff, shook the cave, and landed a boulder right in front of the exit and the town was saved from the giant.
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