Chapter 1 bukuku
Chapter 1: Going on an adventure!
Jack: Hey guys.
Stacy: Hey Jack.
Andrew: Hey Jack. Why the long face?
Jack: I just want to have an adventure of a lifetime.
Andrew: Jack, we’ve known each other since kinder garden, and you tell me the same thing every time! Not to mention when we made friends with Stacy, you started telling her!
Jack: You’re right. I’ll start talking about it less.
Andrew: No, that’s not the point. The point is that you should just go out there and find adventure instead of waiting for it to come! Because it might not come.
Jack: Of course! Why didn’t I think of that? And school just ended, this is perfect! C’mon guys, are you with me or not?
Andrew: Sure, count me in.
Stacy: Uh, sure why not?
Jack: Let’s go explore, uh, let’s do that cave by the cliff with the river where Brad had his birthday party.
Stacy: Oh yeah, I always wondered what was in there.
Andrew: Wow, me too.
Jack: Do you think we should invite more people though?
Andrew: What about Brad himself?
Jack: Uh, okay what the heck.
*Jack walks up to Brad*
Jack: Hey Brad.
Brad: Oh, hey Jack. Didn’t see you there. What’s up?
Jack: Andrew, Stacy and I want to explore the cave near the cliff with the river where you had your birthday. Wanna come?
Brad: Sick, let’s go. I did wonder what was in there.
Jack: Okay, but can we take your car?
Brad: How else would we go?
Jack: Fair point. Let’s go.
*Jack and the gang drive to the cliff*
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