Rangga Aditya Libels

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The Atmosphere

The Atmosphere

libels party or commonly abbreviated as Liberty is an annual art performance event held by sman 15 surabaya. this event always attracts the attention of internal and external citizens of libels every year. In 2019, Liberty took the theme "Aetherealm" which is located in JX Surabaya. a lot of performances are shown by extracurricular libels such as saman dance, Javas dance, etc. not only from extracurricular libels, but there are also performances from the winners of singing and bands competitions that have previously been audited

The highlight of this year's event was the appearance of the guest stars, namely the reality club, Kahitna, and Didi Kempot. liberty this year was very amazing especially when the Didi Kempot performed, everyone sang and danced to the song. He performed Banyu langit, Kalung emas, Pamer bojo, etc.

In my opinion, this Liberty is amazing, felt from the spirit of the performer and the atmosphere of the audience. I hope Liberty in next years can continue to innovate and become more extraordinary. thank you

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Laporkan Penyalahgunaan


This looks sick! Nice story

20 Feb


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