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Parking System in School ??

The use of motorized vehicles is widely used by students to attend school, thus making schools must have ample parking space.

Almost all students bring their own vehicles, especially motorbikes.

well, in sman 15 alone it has enough parking space.

motorcycle parking in sman 15 is divided into 2 places, namely for class 10 alone and class 11 and 12 themselves, so it is not too crowded.

Recently parking in sman 15 uses an automated portal tool like in a mall.

in my opinion this automatic parking system is very cool, because it makes the financial system of the parking fees can be organized and makes technology in sman 15 more advanced because of the automatic portal engine.

although this portal system has not been applied at this time, but according to teachers the payment of this automated portal machine uses barcodes from student cards.

so students do not have to bother carrying cash, just by carrying a student card.

Not only that, it is planned that the payment system using student cards will be applied for any payment in sman 15, such as shopping in the canteen.

in this way can facilitate payments and do not need to carry cash.

Usually it is a hassle to bring change from change, but if a card payment is made, there is no need to bother carrying change.

The following is a photo installation of automatic portal tools in sman 15.

I don't know when this method was implemented, but really I am very interested in this method.

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