high school 15 is one of the favorite high school in Surabaya. This high school is one of the schools that is an example of another school. This school has an event that is held every year namely Liberty (libels party).
liberty (libels party) commonly known by teenagers in Surabaya. Liberty this year was held at the East Java Expo on November 15, 2019. Liberty this year is celebrating 'Alice in Wonderland' entitled AETHEREALM.
Every year Liberty invites a very interesting guest star. This year's guest star is Reality Club, Kahitna, and Didi Kempot, they are one of the most famous singers in Indonesia this year. they performed very well and made the audience really enjoy the event.
I think Liberty is very fun this year, unfortunately, I was forced to go home because there was an incident. more audience than last year and that makes the East Java expo look like a sea of humans.
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Wow! That's so spectacular!!