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Scout Isn't Monotonous

Who doesn't know scout activities? I bet everyone knows that and hears it all the time. Scouts as we know from elementary school, junior high school, to high school are activities that have a goal of cultivating a sense of leadership, self-reliance, ability for survival, etc. But a lot of people not interest about scout, but at sman 15 surabaya we tried to change that thought.

The first activity is for the initiation of the new recruits assigned (PTA) to the class X. They are tested for unity, creativity and critical thinking. Trying to make them think that scouts aren't monotonous and fun.

Next time they want to hone their abilities, they'll be drawn back to the SAKA. SMAN 15 Surbaya scouts has long had good health partnership. So if they want to hone that ability, it goes right into SAKA BHAKTI HUSADA. SMAN 15 Surabaya scouts belong to SAKA BHAKTI HUSADA also teach about nutrition or other body health in school or in society.

By so much more than making up their minds about scouts, they can hone their interests and talents.

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I want to join in SBH but I'm in 12th grade now :(( Don't forget to read and comment at my article to

01 Oct

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01 Oct


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