Libels Party is an art performance event that is routinely held every year. Liberty is held from 2012 and continues until 2019.
Starting in 2012 with the theme Art Fusion, Then in 2013 with the theme Liberty 30, Then in 2014 with the theme Supernova, Then in 2015 with the theme Enochian Magic, Then in 2016 with the theme Nomena Aurora, Then in 2017 with the theme Trippycal Aesthetic, then in 2018 with the theme Counterfeit Contemplation, and in 2019 using the theme Aetherealm which means the world of fantasy.
In 2019, Liberty presents a different atmosphere from the previous years. Not because of the theme, but because of the guest star itself. They present guest stars with different genres. Reality Club indie band with the rock genre, and Kahitna with the Pop Jazz genre, Then Didi Kempot with the Semi Dangdut genre. The three guest stars succeeded in making the audience feel a different atmosphere.
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