The Spectacular LIBERTY 2K19
Friday (11/15/19) is the day Liberty takes place. Everyone was looking forward to that day. There is a mindset if you want Liberty will be mediocre. There are also those who expect the event to be festive. And of course, Liberty yesterday was completely beyond people's expectations. The audience really enjoyed enjoying the guest stars there. Not only that, the audience was satisfied with the existence of various food festivals and Friday markets. 180 degree Photobooth, art exhibitions and others. From the first guest to the end, the audience incessantly sang & danced together. The climax is the compilation of Didi Kempot singing the song Bojo Exhibition, the audience dancing and singing to each other. Besides the excitement of enjoying the rhythm, there were also riots that could not be avoided like thirty cellphones belonging to the audience. Even so, Liberty 2k19 will never be forgotten!
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Laporkan Penyalahgunaan
Konten pada website ini merupakan konten yang di tulis oleh user. Tanggung jawab isi adalah sepenuhnya oleh user/penulis. Pihak pengelola web tidak memiliki tanggung jawab apapun atas hal hal yang dapat ditimbulkan dari penerbitan artikel di website ini, namun setiap orang bisa mengirimkan surat aduan yang akan ditindak lanjuti oleh pengelola sebaik mungkin. Pengelola website berhak untuk membatalkan penayangan artikel, penghapusan artikel hingga penonaktifan akun penulis bila terdapat konten yang tidak seharusnya ditayangkan di web ini.
Laporkan Penyalahgunaan
Wow! That's so spectacular!!