Currency of Libels
SMAN 15 Surabaya is one of the favorite schools in Surabaya where students have excellent achievements. This school also has qualified educators. Do not forget also, this school has more complete facilities than other schools. Starting from the field which numbered 4, a computer laboratory with hundreds of computers in it, to a janitor of a dozen. The programs in Libels - the term SMAN 15 Surabaya are no less great, one of which is the Libels Coupons. It should be noted that libels have their own "currency" so that the rupiah does not apply to Libels. The system is that if we want to buy something at Libels, we must exchange money for coupons. The place to exchange coupons is in the library. We can exchange money from the value of 1000, up to 10000. The color of the coupon is also interesting, there are blue, pink, green, and yellow. This is very interesting because it can be unique compared to other schools. At first, the emergence of this program reaped many cons. That was because after the Libels coupon was applied, the prices of food and drinks also rose. In addition, this method is less effective for some people because the coupon does not apply outside of school and cannot be exchanged for rupiah back. Even so, until this moment the program continues in an orderly manner.
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Konten pada website ini merupakan konten yang di tulis oleh user. Tanggung jawab isi adalah sepenuhnya oleh user/penulis. Pihak pengelola web tidak memiliki tanggung jawab apapun atas hal hal yang dapat ditimbulkan dari penerbitan artikel di website ini, namun setiap orang bisa mengirimkan surat aduan yang akan ditindak lanjuti oleh pengelola sebaik mungkin. Pengelola website berhak untuk membatalkan penayangan artikel, penghapusan artikel hingga penonaktifan akun penulis bila terdapat konten yang tidak seharusnya ditayangkan di web ini.
Laporkan Penyalahgunaan
good, follback
Wow interesting!
it's something new to us
yes exactly
First, don't forget to follback me
so interesting!!
Good sist
Very well
nice nice
Lah kok titik
nice sist!
I like the blue
I totally agree
ayo follow!!
Knock, knock , you have been visited by The guest of honor. Rated 5 out of 5. Keep up the good work!
My heart broke when the coupons ripped
its kind of inconvenience for me
its kind of inconvenience for me
nice work!
Very good,please follback and give comment
Wow good
follback dong sis
Nice article