Quinneisha Zella Libels

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Libels party or commonly called Liberty is a school event that usually held every year by sman 15 surabaya. In 2019, Liberty will hold another event at JX International with theme “Aetherealm” it comes from 3 words; æther, aethereal, and realm that means a magnificent world beyond the sky.

This time Liberty brought 3 guest stars; Reality Club, Kahitna and Didi Kempot. Not only that, the event was also enlivened by the performance of each extra curricular sman 15 Surabaya and the winners of the band and solo competition. Do not forget the food fest and Friday market which provides various tenants

With a well-structured theme, concept, guest star, and committee, the event was very lively. Not only young people, but this event was enlivened by various age groups who were very enthusiastic to come in Liberty 2k19.

Evidenced by the "fullhouse" or full venue with an audience, once again SMAN 15 Surabaya successfully made this event.

"Liberty 2k19 received a positive response from many people of Surabaya, so that the enthusiasm during the event was very high, the audience could still enjoy each series of event even with a very much audience," responded Ramalio Fahridho, one of Liberty 2k19 audiences.

Coupled with his confession that felt the peak of the excitement of the event when the performance of didi kempot. With 'cendol dawet' and each song brought by didi kempot, it was able to make all the audience dancing with great enthusiasm. Also some people climbed on the shoulders of their friends and danced on it.

Apart from a few problems, Liberty 2k19 runs very smoothly and successfully. Hopefully next year, liberty will repeat all the successes that achieved this year. See u @ liberty2k20!

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